Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Grace Emma

On May 15th, 2011 at 2:40 pm we welcomed our beautiful baby girl! Grace Emma was 7 lbs 8oz and 19.5 inches long. She's a wonderful addition to our family. We couldn't be happier and we just love her to pieces!

Birth Story: I woke up at 4:30 am with contractions, but they were just the tightening type so I layed in bed until 6:30 am. By this time they were starting to hurt, so I woke Joe up and said I think it's time. His response was, "Babe I'm tired!" I told him I would take a shower and see how I felt. The contractions started to get stronger, but weren't consistent. Joe showered and finally packed his bag and we headed into the hospital around 8:30 am. They said they weren't sure if they would keep me, but I was dilated to a 4. I labored for awhile and my doctor started me on pitocin around 1:30 pm and broke my water a 2:00 pm. My contractions were getting very intense. The nurse asked me if I wanted my epidural that it would take 20 minutes, because he was on call. I ABOUT DIED! I got my epidural at 2:20 and I was at a 10 and ready to push. She was here in 3 pushes and it was incredible. I guess I could've went natural, but I'm a major wuss!
Her cry was beautiful and when they laid her on me I couldn't believe the amount of love that came over me. She looks so much like her siblings and her dad! Happy Birthday Gracie....I love you so much!

She's here!


Proud Daddy

Bella calls her Baby Ray....so cute!


  1. OK, so she totally does look like the others. I guess the pics from the phone didn't do her justice...what a beauty!!

  2. what a SWeETiE!! can't wait to snuggle her!! hopefully that's SOON!
